Phoenix's Evolution Through COVID
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one most adaptable to change. -Charles Darwin
The 2020 shutdown was a trying time for our industry, and others, which brought waves of change to salons and stylists across the nation. Some stylists pivoted by changing careers entirely. Some were forced to downsize and started working from home. Others found an opportunity to open their own shops!

Phoenix was no different. I took the forced shutdown as an opportunity to give the shop a fresh paint job, AND added a mural while I was at it! But upon our final reopening in January '21, I had lost 2 of 3 part-time renters and many clients relocated. Today as I write this post, it's now just me in this little shop of horrors, complete with this greenhouse I installed last spring. I’m now learning to balance managing my shop and clients with being a part-time college student studying landscape architecture. Don't worry, I'm not quitting the hair business, I just need something more. In an effort to consolidate my efforts, I’ve transferred my personal blog to this one, and all my projects can be found here!
The impact of COVID to the shop and myself personally has definitely been a mixed bag of good and bad. But the way I see it, the "bad" is either a lesson I needed to learn or an opportunity to make a change that could be so much better than whatever I was afraid to let go of!
Though much has changed here during the last two years, the reasons you've loved coming here have not. Client feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with everyone loving the vibe the new decor gives and how safe they feel in such a private, controlled environment.
Thank you again for trusting me and sharing your lives with me <3
I never take for granted what happens in this space.
See you soon!